Moving page numbers in master pages

In order to change where page numbers are shown, you must move the text frames that contain page numbers. The most efficient way to do this is to move the text frames containing page numbers in master page formats.


  1. In Engrave mode, double-click a master page pair whose page number position you want to change in the Master Pages section of the Pages panel.
  2. In the master page editor, select the text frames that contain page numbers.
  3. Move the text frames in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt-Right Arrow to move them to the right.

    • Press Alt-Left Arrow to move them to the left.

    • Press Alt-Up Arrow to move them upwards.

    • Press Alt-Down Arrow to move them downwards.


      If you want to move items by larger increments, you can press Ctrl/Cmd as well as the standard key command, for example, Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Left Arrow.

    • Click and drag them in any direction.

  4. Click Close Master Page Editor to save your changes.


The selected text frames are moved.


When you move text frames, values for Left, Top, Right, and Bottom in the Frames group of the Properties panel are changed to reflect the distance of the corresponding edge of the frame from the page margin, but the values are only visible if the corresponding constraint is locked.

You can also use these properties to move text frames by changing the values in the value fields.

  • Right/Left move the right/left edges of frames horizontally.

  • Top/Bottom move the top/bottom edges of frames vertically.

You can lock/unlock constraints for each text frame in the Frames section of the Formatting panel.