The Properties are available in Edit Mode. They show the properties for the control that you select from the MIDI Controller Surface Editor.
To show the Properties, open the MIDI Controller Surface Editor. Use the Placement Mode to create and place surface controls that are assigned to your MIDI controller. Select a surface control from the surface display to activate Edit Mode.
Depending on the control type, the following properties are available:
- Message
Shows the MIDI message type that is assigned to the control. Message types can be Note, Control Change, Pitchbend, and Aftertouch.
To pick up incoming MIDI messages from your hardware, click MIDI Monitor, and use the controls on your hardware.
- Channel
Shows the MIDI channel that is assigned to the control.
- CC #
Shows the MIDI controller number that is assigned to the control.
- CC Mode/Resolution
Allows you to set the resolution of the controls of your MIDI controller: Standard, 14 Bit, or 14 Bit NRPN.
- Value Mode
Allows you to set the value mode of the controls of your MIDI controller to Absolute, which means that MIDI controllers send absolute value messages from 0 to 127.
You can also select one of the relative modes. Relative or endless MIDI controllers can send value increment and value decrement messages. This is useful to avoid parameter jumps that can occur when the state of a control in the software and the corresponding control on the hardware MIDI controller differ. The following relative modes are available:
Relative Signed Bit
Increases from 065 to 127, decreases from 001 to 063.
Relative Binary Offset
Increases from 065 to 127, decreases from 063 to 000.
Relative Twos Complement
Increases from 001 to 64, decreases from 127 to 065.
- Value Min.
The minimum value for the control.
- Value Max.
The maximum value for the control.
- Transmit to Hardware
By default, mapped MIDI CCs are sent back to the MIDI controller. If this is not what you want, deactivate this option.
NoteThis is only available if you assigned a MIDI output to your MIDI controller surface.
- Shape
For some controls, such as blind panels or lamps, you can specify if the shape should be rectangular or circular.
- First Key
Allows you to define the first key for piano keys.
- Last Key
Allows you to define the last key for piano keys.