Arpache 5

Plug-in Reference

Cubase Pro
Document type

A typical arpeggiator accepts a chord as input, and plays back each note in the chord separately, with the playback order and speed set by the user.

Play Mode

Allows you to select the playback order for the arpeggiated notes. If you select User Pattern , you can set the playback order manually using 12 playback pattern slots.

User Pattern

If User Pattern is selected as the Play Mode, you can use these slots to specify a custom playback order for the arpeggio notes: Each of the 12 slots corresponds to a position in the arpeggio pattern. For each slot, you can specify the note to be played at that position by selecting a number. The numbers correspond to the keys you play, counted from the lowest key.

For example, if you play the notes C3-E3-G3 (a C major chord), 1 means C3, 2 means E3, and 3 means G3.


You can use the same number in several slots, creating arpeggio patterns that are not possible using the standard play modes. You need to begin with the leftmost slot and then fill the slots to the right.

Step Size

Determines the speed of the arpeggio, as a note value related to the project tempo. For example, setting this to 16 means the arpeggio is a pattern of 16 notes.

Note Length

Sets the length of the arpeggio notes, as a note value related to the project tempo.

  • To create staccato arpeggios, set a smaller value for Note Length than for Step Size.

  • To create arpeggio notes that overlap each other, set a greater value for Note Length than for Step Size.

Key Range

Determines the arpeggiated note range, in semitones counted from the lowest key you play. This works as follows:

  • Any notes you play that are outside this range are transposed in octave steps to fit within the range.

  • If the range is more than one octave, octave-transposed copies of the notes you play are added to the arpeggio (as many octaves as fit within the range).


If this button is activated, the notes that you play pass through the plug-in and are sent out together with the arpeggiated notes.