Auto LFO

Plug-in Reference

Cubase Pro
Document type

This effect works like an LFO in a synthesizer, allowing you to send out continuously changing MIDI controller messages. One typical use for this is automatic MIDI panning, but you can select any MIDI continuous controller event type.


Determines the shape of the controller curves that are sent out. You can click a waveform symbol or choose a value from the pop-up menu.

Cycle Length

Sets the speed of Auto LFO, or rather the length of a single controller curve cycle. You can set this to rhythmically exact note values or PPQ values. The lower the note value, the slower the speed.

Controller Number

Determines which continuous controller number is sent out. Typical choices would include pan, volume, and brightness, but your MIDI instrument may have controllers mapped to various settings, allowing you to modulate a synth parameter of your choice. Check the MIDI implementation chart for your instrument for details.

Controller Range

These sliders determine the range of controller values that are sent out, in other words, the bottom and top of the controller curves.


Determines the density of the controller curves that are sent out. The value can be set to High, Medium, or Low. The higher the note value, the smoother the controller curve.