Context Gate allows for selective triggering/filtering of MIDI data.
This effect features two modes: In Poly Mode, Context Gate recognizes specific chords that are played. In Mono Mode, only specific MIDI notes are let through.
Poly Mode
- Chord Gate
If Chord Gate is activated, only notes in recognized chords are let through. Two Recognition modes are available: Simple and Normal.
In Simple mode, all standard chords (major/minor/b5/dim/sus/maj7 etc.) are recognized.
Normal mode takes more tensions into account.
The Minimum Polyphony value field allows you to specify the minimum number of notes required to open the gate.
- Polyphony Gate
Allows you to filter MIDI according to the number of pressed keys within a given key range. This can be used independently or in conjunction with the Chord Gate function.
The Note Range sliders set the note range. Only notes within this range are let through.
Mono Mode
- Velocity Gate
This can be used independently or in conjunction with the Channel Gate function. Notes are played back until another note within the set range is played.
Notes below the Minimum Velocity threshold value are gated.
The Note Range sliders set the note range. Only notes within this range are let through.
- Channel Gate
If this is activated, only single note events of the specified MIDI channel are let through. This can be used with MIDI controllers that can send MIDI to several channels simultaneously, for example, guitar controllers which send data for each string over a separate channel.
You can set Mono Channel to a specific channel (1 to 16), or to Any, that is, no channel gating.
- Auto Gate Time
If there is no input activity, you can specify the time, after which note-off messages are sent for the notes that are playing.
- Panic Reset
Sends an “All Notes Off” message to all channels, in case of hanging notes.
- Learn Reset Event
If this is activated, you can specify a reset trigger event via MIDI. Whenever this specific MIDI event is sent, it triggers an “All Notes Off” message. Reset Note shows the set reset event. When you have set the reset event, deactivate Learn Reset Event.