- Shift Octave Up/Shift Octave Down
Shifts the entire pattern up or down in octave steps.
- Shift Steps Left/Shift Steps Right
Moves the pattern one step to the left or right.
- Reverse
Reverses the pattern, so that it plays backwards.
- Copy Pattern/Paste Pattern
Allows you to copy the current pattern and paste it to another pattern location (in the same StepDesigner instance or another).
- Reset Pattern
Clears the pattern, removing all notes and resetting controller values.
- Random Pattern
Generates a random pattern.
- Swing
Offsets every second step, creating a swing or shuffle feel. The value is a percentage – the higher you set this, the farther to the right every even step is moved.
- Presets
Allows you to load/save presets for the effect.
NoteA stored preset contains all 200 patterns in StepDesigner.