By default, all voices belonging to a single instrument, including divisi staves, use the same endpoint for playback. You can enable independent voice playback for individual instruments; for example, to hear the different playing techniques in playback for a string divisi where some parts are pizzicato and some parts are arco.
You cannot enable independent voice playback for unpitched percussion instruments and percussion kits.
- In Play mode, in the track overview, select the instrument track for which you want to enable independent voice playback.
- In the Track Inspector, click Enable Independent Voice Playback in the Routing section.
Independent voice playback is enabled for the selected instrument. Each voice belonging to the instrument appears as a separate voice track below the instrument track.
Dorico Elements automatically loads enough additional channels, and additional plug-in instances if necessary, to accommodate all voices belonging to the corresponding instrument project-wide, according to the current playback template. Voices are automatically assigned to endpoints according to their voice order.
When independent voice playback is enabled, you can only change the routing and effects of each voice track.
After Completing This Task
You can change the routing and effects of each voice track, including in each flow independently; for example, if some voices in some flows require a solo sound instead of an ensemble one.