Deleting frames

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can delete frames from both individual pages and page templates. Deleting music frames can change where music appears, depending on their page template frame chain and frame order.


  • Frames Frames button is selected in the Engrave toolbox.

  • If you want to delete frames from a page template, you have opened the page template in the page template editor.


  1. In Engrave mode, select the frames you want to delete.
  2. Press Backspace or Delete.


The selected frames are deleted. When you delete music frames, the order of other music frames in the same music frame chain updates automatically. For example, if you have three music frames in the same music frame chain and delete the second frame, the third frame becomes the second frame in the music frame chain and the music it displays updates accordingly.

  • If you delete page template music frames on individual pages, Dorico Pro automatically adds extra pages as required to display the flows assigned to the page template frame chain. If you want to delete frames because you do not want to show certain flows, you can instead remove those flows from the layout or the page template frame chain.

  • If you delete all music frames from a First page template, any pages that previously automatically used the First page template now use the Default page template in their page template set. If you also delete all music frames from the Default page template, no music or pages are displayed.