Music frame selectors

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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When Frames is selected in the Engrave toolbox, music frames show selectors that allow you to change what music is displayed in the frame; for example, by changing which flows and players are assigned to each frame chain.

Selectors on music frames allow you to control which flows and players are displayed in frame chains, and the order in which the selected music is shown in frames on the page. Frame chains can include any number of frames, including only a single music frame.

Music frame with selectors labelled

Every music frame shows the following selectors:

  1. Frame Chain

    Shows the current frame chain of the frame and allows you to change the frame chain to which the frame is assigned. Frame chains that start with an “M” are page template frame chains, while frame chains that start with an “L” are layout frame chains.

    The second letter allows you to identify different frame chains of the same type. It is automatically generated and reflects the order in which you created the frame chains; for example, “LA” is the first layout frame chain you create in the layout and “LB” is the second.

  2. Frame Order

    Allows you to specify the order in which music flows through frames when two or more music frames on the same page are assigned to the same frame chain. For example, when the Frame Order is 1, that frame is the first frame in the frame chain.

  3. Filter by Flow

    Allows you to change the flows displayed in the frame chain or choose to show blank staves in the music frame. For example, if you have multiple flows in your project, you can choose to show only a single flow, a selection of flows, or all flows.

  4. Filter by Player

    Allows you to change the players displayed in the frame chain. For example, if you have multiple players in your project, you can choose to show only a single player, multiple players, or all players.


You can only edit the Filter by Flow and Filter by Player selectors of page template music frames on page templates in the page template editor.

Video tutorial about music frame selectors (English)