Creating page templates

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can create new page templates within page template sets. For example, you can create a title page template in the Default Part page template set, then assign it to the first page of each part layout. Each page template set can contain a single First, a single Default, and multiple Custom page templates.


You can share page templates between page template sets by importing page templates. For example, if you created a new title page template in the Default Full Score page template set, you can then import it into the Default Part page template set to use it in part layouts as well.


  • The right zone is shown.

  • You have created or imported any page template sets to which you want to add new page templates.


  1. In Engrave mode, open a layout that uses the page template set to which you want to add page templates.

    You can also select the page template set from the Current set menu in the Page Templates section of the Pages panel when any layout is open in the music area; however, this changes the page template set applied to the layout.

  2. In the Pages panel, click New Page Template in the Page Templates action bar to open the New Page Template dialog.
  3. Enter a name for the new page template into the Name field.
  4. Select the existing page template on which you want to base the new page template from the Based on menu.
    • Page templates based on existing page templates are linked to the Based on page template. Any changes you make to frames shared between the page templates affect both page templates; for example, changing the text in an existing text frame. Deleting frames and inputting new ones breaks this link.

    • Selecting (None) always creates a page template without any formatting.

  5. Choose one of the following page template types for your new page template:
    • First

    • Default

    • Custom


    If you select First or Default, the new page template replaces that existing page template, as each page template set can only have a single First and Default page template.

    If you want to create a new page template without replacing any existing page templates, choose Custom.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.


A new page template of the selected type is added to the page template set applied to the layout open in the music area.

After Completing This Task

  • You can customize your new page template.

  • You can assign page templates to individual pages.

  • You can import your new page template into other page template sets in the current project.