Types of page templates

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Page template sets contain different types of page templates, which are used in different circumstances. For example, First page templates are usually used for the first page of music in a layout.


When you select a page in the Pages section of the Pages panel, the page template used for that page appears highlighted in the Page Templates section.

In Dorico Pro, there are the following types of page templates:


A page template that is usually used for the first page of music in a layout. It contains a single large music frame and multiple text frames to display information, such as the project title and composer.


Each page template set can only contain a single First page template.

First page template open in the page template editor

The First page template contains the following tokens in text frames:

  1. Layout name (Default Part page template set only)

  2. Project title

  3. Project lyricist

  4. Project composer

  5. Project copyright


You can edit the formatting of the paragraph styles used for tokens on page templates in the Paragraph Styles dialog. For example, layout names on First page templates use the Layout name paragraph style by default.


A page template that is usually used for the second page of music onwards. It contains a single large music frame and text frames to show the running header and page number.

  • Each page template set can only contain a single Default page template.

  • All pages use the Default page template in any of the following circumstances:

    • The page template set applied to the layout does not contain a First page template.

    • The First page template does not contain a music frame assigned to the same frame chain as the Default page template.

Default page template open in the page template editor

The Default page template contains the following tokens in text frames:

  1. Page number

  2. Default Full Score page template set: Flow title (optionally Project title for projects created from the Hub with Project will use multiple flows deactivated)

    Default Part page template set: Layout name


You can edit the formatting of the paragraph styles used for tokens on page templates in the Paragraph Styles dialog. For example, flow titles and layout names on Default page templates use the Header paragraph style by default.


A page template that can have any formatting. Custom page templates allow you to create page formats that you want to apply to multiple pages but not all pages; for example, if you want to use the same title page in all part layouts, or show an image at the same position on only the final pages in each part layout.