Lengthening/Shortening notes in the Key Editor

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change the notated duration of notes in the Key Editor. This also affects how the selected notes are notated in all applicable layouts.


  • The lower zone is shown.

  • Key Editor is selected in the lower zone toolbar.

  • You have selected the instruments you want to show in the Key Editor.

  • You have chosen the appropriate rhythmic grid resolution.


  1. In the Key Editor panel toolbar, click Notated Durations to show notated note durations.
  2. In the piano roll/percussion editor, select the notes you want to lengthen/shorten.
  3. Lengthen/Shorten the selected notes in any of the following ways:
    • To lengthen notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.

    • To shorten notes by the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.

    • To double the length of notes, press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.

    • To halve the length of notes, press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.

    • Click and drag the right end of one of the selected notes to the length you want.


      As you drag, highlights help you to reference durations against the ruler, pitches against the piano keyboard in the piano roll editor, and notes against instruments/playing techniques in the percussion editor.


The selected notes are lengthened/shortened.

Key commands lengthen/shorten notes according to the current rhythmic grid resolution. Clicking and dragging lengthens/shortens notes according to the current Key Editor rhythmic grid resolution.