Note Input Options dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Note Input Options dialog provides multiple options that allow you to determine how Dorico Pro interprets the data and MIDI you input by default.

For example, there are options relating to how accidentals and notes are spelled when inputting notes using a MIDI keyboard, what you want to include in chord symbols based on what you play, and how to consider multiple different aspects of chord diagrams, such as whether or not to omit the ninth in 11 and 13 chords.

You can open Note Input Options in any of the following ways:

  • Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-I in any mode.

  • Choose Library > Note Input Options.

Note Input Options dialog
  1. Search categories field

    Allows you to filter categories and section titles according to your entry.


    You can set the focus to the Search categories field by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-L. You can set the focus away by pressing Tab.

  2. Category list

    Contains the categories of options that you can view and change in the dialog. When you click a category in this list, its options appear as a page in the main body of the dialog.

  3. Section

    Pages are divided into sections, which can contain multiple options. Sections that contain many options are divided into subsections. For options that have multiple possible settings, the active setting is highlighted.

  4. Search pages bar

    Allows you to search section titles and options on the currently selected page according to your entry and navigate through matches. The number of matches is displayed in the bar. Matches appear highlighted on the page, and the current option appears with a brighter highlight.

    You can show the Search pages bar by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-F.

    The bar contains the following options:

    • Search pages field: Allows you to enter the term you want to search for. You can set the focus to the Search pages field by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-F.

    • Previous match: Allows you to navigate to the previous match on the page. You can also navigate to the previous match by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-G.

    • Next match: Allows you to navigate to the next match on the page. You can also navigate to the next match by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-G.

    • Close: Closes the bar and removes all match highlights. You can also close the bar by pressing Esc.

  5. Save as Default

    Saves all options currently set and applied in the dialog as the default for new projects.

  6. Reset to Saved Defaults

    Resets all the options in the dialog back to your saved defaults.

  7. Reset to Factory

    Resets all the options in the dialog back to the default factory settings. This only affects the current project and does not delete your saved defaults, meaning future projects still start with your saved defaults.

  8. Remove Saved Defaults

    Deletes your previous saved defaults without resetting the options in the current project. After removing your saved defaults, all future projects start with the default factory settings.