Guitar pre-bends/pre-dives in Engrave mode

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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In Engrave mode, each guitar pre-bend/pre-dive has multiple handles that you can move independently to adjust their graphical position and shape on notation staves and tablature independently.

On notation staves, guitar pre-bends/pre-dives have three square handles. When you move either of the start/end handles, the middle handle also moves to retain its position relative to the start/end handles.

Guitar pre-bend/pre-dive handles on notation staff in Engrave mode

On tablature, guitar pre-bends/pre-dives have the following handles:

Guitar pre-bend handles
Guitar pre-dive handles
  1. Bend interval handle

  2. Guitar pre-bend/pre-dive end handle

  3. Guitar pre-bend/pre-dive start handle

You can move these handles to change the shape of guitar pre-bends/pre-dives on notation staves, change the graphical length and angle of guitar pre-bends/pre-dives on tablature, and move bend intervals. When you move guitar pre-bend/pre-dive end handles, the bend interval also moves to retain its position relative to the end handle.

  • You cannot move whole guitar pre-bends/pre-dives, you must move their handles.

  • The following properties in the Guitar Pre-bends group of the Properties panel are activated automatically when you move the corresponding guitar pre-bend/pre-dive handle:

    • Start offset moves guitar pre-bend/pre-dive start handles. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.

    • Mid offset moves guitar pre-bend/pre-dive middle handles. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.

    • End offset moves guitar pre-bend/pre-dive end handles. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.

    • Interval offset moves guitar pre-bend/pre-dive interval handles. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.