Positions of lines

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The position of lines relative to notes and staves depends on the line type and, for horizontal lines, their attachment type.

Notehead-attached horizontal lines

Notehead-attached lines are positioned in relation to the corresponding noteheads; that is, starting to the right of the start note and ending to the left of the end note. They automatically follow the notes at each end, meaning if you change the pitch of either note or move them rhythmically, the line end positions move accordingly. Because their positions depend on the pitches of notes, they can appear both inside and outside the staff. If they are only attached to noteheads at one end, they remain horizontal but follow the staff position of the note to which they are attached.

Barline-attached horizontal lines

Barline-attached horizontal lines are placed above the staff by default. Their endpoints align with barlines if their duration coincides with barline positions. If their endpoints do not coincide with barlines, they are positioned like rhythmic position-attached lines.

Rhythmic position-attached horizontal lines

Rhythmic position-attached lines are placed above the staff by default. Their endpoints start to the left and end to the right of notes, chords, or rests at the corresponding rhythmic positions.

Vertical lines

Vertical lines are positioned to the left of the notes to which they apply, including any applicable accidentals, but are positioned between grace notes and normal notes. If multiple vertical lines exist at the same rhythmic position, the most recent line is positioned furthest to the right; that is, directly to the left of notes or chords.

You can change the position/placement of lines in a variety of ways, such as showing vertical lines on the right of notes or changing the placement of horizontal lines to show them inside the staff.