Types of syllables in lyrics

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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There are different types of syllables in lyrics, depending on their position in words. The key you press to advance the popover indicates the syllable type for each lyric.

Dorico Pro defines lyrics as different syllables depending on how you advance the popover when inputting lyrics.

Whole word

Lyrics are considered a whole word if the lyric comes after a gap and is followed by a gap or a period.

No hyphens are shown either side of whole word lyrics. Extender lines can be shown after lyrics.


Lyrics are considered the start syllable in a multi-syllabic word if the lyric comes after a gap, but is followed by a hyphen.

Hyphens are shown after start lyrics, which can be continuation hyphens depending on the distance before the next lyric in the same lyric line.


Lyrics are considered the middle syllable in a multi-syllabic word if the lyric comes after a hyphen, and is followed by a hyphen.

Hyphens are shown after middle lyrics, which can be continuation hyphens depending on the distance before the next lyric in the same lyric line.


Lyrics are considered the end syllable in a multi-syllabic word if the lyric comes after a hyphen but is followed by a gap or a period.

Extender lines can be shown after end lyrics.