Playing technique continuation line components

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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In Dorico Pro, playing technique continuation lines consist of multiple components that together function as a single item. The duration line and transition line for the same playing technique can have different default components.

  1. Playing technique

    Controls the default appearance of the following line.

  2. Start cap

    Symbol shown at the start of playing technique continuation lines.

  3. Line body

    Horizontal line, pattern, or wedge that makes up the main part of a playing technique continuation line and extends across its entire length.

  4. Continuation end cap

    Symbol shown at the end of segments of playing technique continuation lines that continue across multiple systems.

  5. Playing technique continuation sign

    Parenthesized reminder of the current playing technique shown at the start of subsequent segments of playing technique continuation lines that continue across multiple systems. You cannot hide playing technique continuation signs independently of the playing technique.

  6. Continuation cap

    Symbol shown at the start of subsequent segments of playing technique continuation lines that continue across multiple systems.

  7. End cap

    Symbol shown at the end of playing technique continuation lines.