Multi-segment slurs in Engrave mode

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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In Engrave mode, each segment in multi-segment slurs, such as S-shaped slurs, has handles just like standard slurs. This allows you to edit each segment of multi-segment slurs independently as if they were separate slurs, but in order to maintain a consistent shape, moving certain handles causes other handles to move simultaneously.

Multi-segment slurs have the following handles in Engrave mode:

  1. Left endpoint

  2. Left control point

  3. Slur height

  4. Right control point

  5. Center control point

  6. Left control point

  7. Slur height

  8. Right control point

  9. Right endpoint

You can select and move each handle in the same ways as for standard slurs; however, handles on multi-segment slurs are connected between adjacent segments. Moving a connected control point causes the control point at the start/end of the next/previous segment to move the same amount in the opposite direction. This avoids tight corners, ensuring that multi-segment slurs are always as smoothly and symmetrically curved as possible.

In multi-segment slurs, right control points are connected to the left control point in the adjacent segment. If there is no adjacent segment, the right/left control points next to the right/left endpoints can be moved independently. For example, in the labeled diagram, control point 4 is connected to control point 6, but control points 2 and 8 are not connected to another control point.

Similarly, moving the slur height handle causes the slur height handle on any adjacent segments to move the same amount in the opposite direction. For example, if you move the slur height handle on the middle segment of a slur with three segments, all three slur height handles are moved.


The left control point is selected.
Moving the selected left control point upwards and to the left causes the right control point on the adjacent segment to move downwards and to the right.