Changing the size and position of time signatures

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change the size of time signatures in each layout independently, including changing their vertical position. For example, you can show large time signatures centered on each bracket in full score layouts but standard-sized time signatures on each staff in part layouts.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-L to open Layout Options.
  2. In the Layouts list, select the layouts in which you want to change the size of time signatures.

    By default, the layout currently open in the music area is selected when you open the dialog. You can select other layouts by using the selection options in the action bar, clicking and dragging across multiple layouts, Shift-clicking adjacent layouts, and Ctrl/Cmd-clicking individual layouts.

  3. In the category list, click Time Signatures.
  4. Choose one of the following options for Time signature position and size:
    • Show on every staff

    • Show once per bracket

    • Show at system object positions

  5. Click Apply, then Close.


The size and position of time signatures in the selected layouts is changed.

Showing large time signatures above the staff at system object positions means they do not occupy any rhythmic or horizontal space, whereas the other options do cause time signatures to occupy horizontal space.

After Completing This Task

You can change whether large time signatures are placed vertically in the middle or on the top of bracketed groups on the Time Signatures page in Engraving Options.