The Override Percussion Noteheads dialog lists the playing technique-specific noteheads defined for the selected instrument in the Percussion Instrument Playing Techniques dialog, shows the notehead type mapped for each technique, and allows you to override those noteheads for five-line staff kit presentations only.
For example, the same notehead can indicate different playing techniques for different instruments. When those instruments are presented on the same five-line staff, this can cause confusion, so you can use the Override Percussion Noteheads dialog to disambiguate the notes for one instrument from another in five-line staff kit presentations only.
You can open the Override Percussion Noteheads dialog by selecting an instrument in the Edit Percussion Kit dialog and clicking Edit Noteheads.
The Override Percussion Noteheads dialog comprises the following:
Instrument name
Displays the name of the percussion instrument whose noteheads are listed in the dialog.
Playing techniques table
Contains the noteheads for the selected percussion instrument, arranged into the following columns:
Playing Technique: Displays the playing technique associated with the notehead in the corresponding row of the table.
Default Notehead: Displays the notehead used by default for the playing technique in the corresponding row of the table.
Notehead Override: Displays the notehead override used in five-line staff presentations for the playing technique in the corresponding row of the table. You can change the notehead override by clicking it and selecting another notehead from the menu.