Rhythmic Feel dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Rhythmic Feel dialog allows you to edit the settings of the default rhythmic feels used for swing playback and create custom rhythmic feels.

  • You can open the Rhythmic Feel dialog by clicking Edit in Playback Options > Timing > Rhythmic Feel.

Rhythmic Feel dialog

The Rhythmic Feel dialog contains the following options and sections:

  1. Search field

    Allows you to filter rhythmic feels according to your entry.

  2. Rhythmic feels list

    Contains the rhythmic feels available for your project.

    The action bar at the bottom of the list contains the following options:

    • New : Creates a new rhythmic feel with default values.

    • New from Selection : Creates a new rhythmic feel based on the selected one. Initially no values are overridden but you can change the options for your new rhythmic feel.

    • Save as Default : Saves the selected rhythmic feel to your user library, allowing you to use it in multiple projects. Appears as for rhythmic feels saved as default.

    • Revert to Factory : Removes all your changes to the selected rhythmic feel, returning it to its saved settings.

    • Delete : Deletes the selected rhythmic feel.


      You cannot delete predefined rhythmic feels or any rhythmic feel that is currently used in your project.

  3. Name

    Allows you to enter a name for new rhythmic feels or edit the name of existing rhythmic feels.

  4. Depends on tempo

    Controls whether the swing pattern uses the same ratio at all tempos or changes according to the tempo.

    • When Depends on tempo is activated, the swing ratio varies according to the tempo. A second slider appears for High tempo, allowing you to change the values for both Low tempo and High tempo.

    • When Depends on tempo is deactivated, the swing ratio value of the single slider is used at all tempos.

  5. Low tempo

    Sets the tempo at/below which the swing ratio changes, measured in quarter note beats per minute. The swing ratio slider to the right controls the swing ratio used.

  6. High tempo

    Sets the tempo at/above which the swing ratio changes, measured in quarter note beats per minute. When Depends on tempo is activated, the swing ratio slider to the right controls the swing ratio used.

  7. Swing ratio sliders

    Allow you to set the swing ratio to be used below the set Low tempo and above the set High tempo. Their possible ranges are from 1:1, which is straight, to 5:1, which is a sextuplet with the second notated eighth note sounding on the final division.

    The current swing ratio and swing percentage values of the sliders are shown to their right.

  8. Swing unit

    Allows you to choose the rhythmic duration you want to swing in the selected ratio. You can swing either eighth notes or 16th notes.