Importing MusicXML files

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can import MusicXML files into existing Dorico Pro projects as separate flows; for example, to continue work on a piece started in a different notation software.


You have set your preferences for importing MusicXML files as appropriate for the file on the MusicXML Import page in Preferences.


  1. Choose File > Import > MusicXML to open the File Explorer/macOS Finder.
  2. Locate and select the MusicXML files you want to import.
  3. Click Open to open the Flow Import Options dialog for the first selected MusicXML file.
  4. In the Flow Import Options dialog, choose one of the following options for Player handling:
    • Create All New Players

    • Merge with Existing Players Where Possible

  5. Click OK to import the selected flows and close the dialog.
  6. Optional: If you selected multiple MusicXML files, repeat steps 4 and 5 for each file. The Flow Import Options dialog reopens automatically for each file.


The selected MusicXML files are imported into the project as new flows.

  • If MusicXML files include page size, margin, and staff size settings, Dorico Pro imports those values. If they are not included, Dorico Pro creates suitable settings according to the number of instruments in the file.

  • If you chose Create All New Players, new players are added as required for each MusicXML file.

  • If you chose Merge with Existing Players Where Possible, any players that the imported MusicXML files and existing project have in common are merged; for example, if you imported a MusicXML file containing one piano into a project containing a piano and viola, the imported MusicXML file is added to the existing piano player.


You can also open MusicXML files directly if you want them to be separate projects, rather than new flows in existing projects.