You can input playing techniques using the playing techniques popover, both during note input and by adding them to existing music.
You can only enter one playing technique into the popover during note input. You can enter two playing techniques when adding playing techniques to existing music if they are separated by ->.
If you want to input playing techniques in the middle of tie chains, start note input, then move the caret to the required rhythmic position.
You have created any custom playing techniques you want to input.
The specified playing techniques are input. They are considered voice-specific by default, meaning they only apply to the voice indicated by the caret indicator during step input or the selected voice when adding playing techniques to existing notes. They are automatically placed above the staff for up-stem voices and below the staff for down-stem voices.
Adjoining playing techniques, or playing techniques that were input together or in sequence, are automatically grouped together, both during note input and when adding playing techniques to existing notes.
During note input, playing techniques are input at the caret position and extend automatically if you included an open-ended playing technique with duration.
When adding playing techniques to a single selected item, they are input at that rhythmic position only and have no duration. When adding playing techniques to a range of selected items, they are input at the rhythmic position of the earliest select item and have duration, which applies until the end of the selection. For playing techniques whose continuation type is set to show lines, the appropriate continuation line is shown.
After Completing This Task
You can move playing techniques within playing technique groups, lengthen/shorten playing techniques, and hide/show playing technique duration lines.
You can enable independent voice playback for individual instruments to hear different playing techniques in different voices simultaneously.