You can input ties manually to join two notes of the same pitch, both during note input and by joining two existing notes with a tie. You can tie existing notes in different voices or on different staves belonging to the same instrument, or that are not rhythmically adjacent.
For example, you might have input a melody across multiple voices in order to accommodate passing notes, but want to tie two notes together even though they are in different voices. Similarly, you might have written multiple notes before a chord that are all held down and want to reduce the number of tied notes.
Dorico Pro automatically creates ties as required for note durations in each meter. For example, if you want to input a tie between two quarter notes across a barline, you can input a half note at the rhythmic position where you want to input the first quarter note. Dorico Pro automatically splits the half note into two quarter notes, one on each side of the barline, and joins them with a tie.
If you want to preserve the durations of existing notes, you have forced their duration. For example, if you want to specify subdivisions within a tie chain that are different than the prevailing meter.
We also recommend starting ties from the first note in the tie chain, as tied notes become a single note whose settings, including forced durations, come from the first note.
During note input, the two notes input are joined by a tie.
If you selected a single existing note, it is joined by a tie to the next note of the same pitch in the same voice and staff. If you selected two existing notes, they are tied together, provided they are the same pitch and belong to the same instrument.
During note input, Dorico Pro ties the first note you input after inputting the tie to the previous note of the same pitch in the same voice and staff, even if there are other notes of other pitches between them.
Depending on the prevailing time signature, the position of the start of the note in the bar, and your settings on the Note Grouping page in Notation Options, inputting a tie between two notes can instead create a single note of a different duration, such as a half note instead of two tied quarter notes. You can override your note grouping settings and fix your notated rhythm by forcing their duration. Dorico Pro then notates your input notes with the rhythmic durations specified, as long as they can fit inside the bar.