You can export graphic slices as a variety of graphics files, such as PDF or PNG.
You can export graphic slices with different image settings and export paths simultaneously.
The left zone is shown.
Graphic Slices
is selected in the Engrave toolbox.
In the Graphic Slices panel, select the graphic slices you want to export in one of the following ways:
To export all graphic slices, select no graphic slices.
To export specific graphic slices only, select those graphic slices.
- Optional: Change the image settings for the selected graphic slices.
- Optional: Change the export path for the selected graphic slices.
- Click Export All/Export Selected.
Graphic slices are exported with their current image and export path settings. If you had selected no graphic slices, all graphic slices in the table are exported. If you selected individual graphic slices, only those graphic slices are exported.
You can assign a key command for Export Graphic Slices on the Key Commands page in Preferences.