Note Spacing Change dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Note Spacing Change dialog allows you to change or reset values affecting the spacing and scaling of notes from selected rhythmic positions in layouts, including the scale factor for grace notes and cues.

  • You can open the Note Spacing Change dialog in Engrave mode by choosing Engrave > Note Spacing Change when Graphic Editing is selected in the Engrave toolbox and an item is selected in the music area.

Note Spacing Change dialog

The Note Spacing Change dialog contains the following options:

Default space for crotchet/quarter note

Sets the default note spacing for quarter notes (crotchets). The spacing of other durations is scaled proportionally. Increasing the value increases note spacing, decreasing the value decreases note spacing. This is reflected in the preview as you change the value.

Minimum space for short notes

Sets the minimum note spacing for notes with short durations. This can be independent of the default note spacing value.

Custom spacing ratio

Sets the spacing of notes in relation to other notes according to their rhythmic values. For example, setting Custom spacing ratio to 2 means half notes (minims) take up twice as much space as quarter notes, and eighth notes (quavers) take up half as much space as quarter notes.

Scale space for grace notes by

Sets the note spacing for grace notes as a percentage of the note spacing normally used for notes of their duration. The value cannot be greater than 100%. Increasing the value increases the note spacing for grace notes, decreasing the value decreases the note spacing for grace notes.

Scale space for cue notes by

Sets the note spacing for cues as a percentage of the note spacing normally used for notes of their duration. The value cannot be greater than 100%. Increasing the value increases the note spacing for cues, decreasing the value decreases the note spacing for cues.

Make space for lyrics

Controls whether or not lyrics are included in note spacing calculations. When deactivated, lyrics are excluded from note spacing calculations, producing a result where notes are spaced as if lyrics were not there.

We recommend using this option with caution and only if you intend to space lyrics manually, such as in tightly-spaced hymnals.

Each option has an activation switch, meaning you can only change values for options that you have chosen to change. You can then choose one of the following options for the note spacing change:


Resets note spacing to the default setting in the layout, as set on the Note Spacing page in Layout Options.


Changes note spacing in the layout to the values set.