Structural elements
- Prerequisite
Describes any actions or conditions you must have fulfilled before starting a procedure.
- Procedure
Lists the steps that you must take to achieve a specific result.
- Important
Informs you about serious issues; for example, issues that affect the system, the connected hardware, or that risk data loss.
- Note
Informs you about issues or other relevant information.
- Tip
Adds further information or useful suggestions.
- Example
Provides you with an example.
- Result
Describes the result of the procedure.
- After Completing This Task
Informs you about actions or tasks that you can perform after completing the procedure.
- Related Links
Lists related topics that you can find in this documentation.
Bold text indicates the name of a menu, option, function, dialog, window, and so on.
To open the Project Info dialog, choose
.If bold text is separated by a greater-than symbol, this indicates either a sequence of different menus to open, or directions to follow for navigation inside the dialog named at the start of the sequence.
.You can change this option in
.File names and folder paths are shown in a different font.