Dynamics editor

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Dynamics editor allows you to view, input, and edit dynamics for the instruments/voices shown in the Key Editor. It displays both dynamics input in Write mode and dynamic points input in the Dynamics editor. It is located in the Key Editor in the lower zone.

  • You can show the Dynamics editor by adding an editor to the Key Editor, then selecting Dynamics from the editor menu.

Dynamics editor with elements labelled

The Dynamics editor comprises the following:

  1. Editor header

    Contains the following options:

    • Editor menu: Allows you to change the MIDI controller or editor type shown in the editor. MIDI controllers into which you have already input points appear in the first menu level.

    • Sync : Copies all points in the editor from the primary instrument to secondary instruments. Only available when multiple instruments are shown in the Key Editor.

    • Convert to Constant Point : Makes the selected points constant. Only applies to points in regions that were input in the Dynamics editor.

    • Convert to Linear Point : Makes the selected points linear. Only applies to points in regions that were input in the Dynamics editor.

  2. Splitter

    Allows you to change the height of the editor by clicking and dragging. If multiple editors are open, this affects the height of the editors either side of the splitter.

  3. Value read-out

    Displays the value of the current mouse pointer position in the editor.

  4. Dynamic point

    An immediate change in dynamic, input either in Write mode or using the Draw tool in the Dynamics editor. Immediate dynamic points are constant by default.

    The maximum range of dynamic levels is from 8 to -8, loudest to quietest.

    • Dynamic level 3 is equivalent to the dynamic .

    • Dynamic level 0 is equivalent to the dynamic .

    • Dynamic level -3 is equivalent to the dynamic .

    • Clicking and dragging dynamic points causes a read-out to appear temporarily, showing their dynamic level.

    • Only points that are identical for all instruments shown in the Key Editor are editable.

    • Dynamic points that you input in the Dynamics editor do not appear in layouts.

  5. Dynamic text

    Shows the dynamic level or crescendo/diminuendo symbol of dynamics input in Write mode; that is, dynamic points that correspond to notation items.

  6. Dynamic region

    Blue highlighted regions contain multiple points, input by clicking and dragging in a single motion in the Dynamics editor with either the Draw tool or Line tool. By default, dynamic points in regions input in the Dynamics editor are linear, and the last point is constant.

    Green highlighted regions represent gradual dynamics and combined/force dynamics, such as and , input in Write mode.

    Thin blue bars at the top of the Editor represent dynamic groups.

    • Only points that are identical for all instruments shown in the Key Editor are editable.

    • Dynamic regions that you input in the Dynamics editor override default playback adjustments for dynamics, such as humanization and increased dynamics for notes with accents. However, the dynamic curve setting still applies to dynamic regions.

    • Default playback adjustments for dynamics, such as humanization and increased dynamics for notes with accents, still apply to notes within gradual dynamics that you input in Write mode.

    • Start and end points for messa di voce regions are linked and always have the same value.

    • Because the points of combined/force dynamics correspond to parameters of their envelopes, they function differently than other dynamic points. Combined dynamics have three points, while force dynamics have four points.

      For example, if you change the value of the second point of a force dynamic, the third point also moves because it controls the duration of the second point; they always have the same value. Similarly, you cannot move combined/force dynamic points outside their regions.

  7. Dynamic value line

    When multiple instruments are shown in the Key Editor, a value line is shown for each instrument, using its color.