Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog allows you to create custom chord symbol components and edit existing components, both for all chord symbols that use the component project-wide and only for single instances of chord symbols.

You can open the Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog in any of the following ways:

  • To edit a component for all chord symbols that use the component project-wide: Open the Project Default Chord Symbol Appearances dialog, select the component you want to edit in the components list, and click Edit Component in the components list action bar. You can also double-click the component in the components list.

  • To create a new component for all instances of a specific chord symbol project-wide: Open the Project Default Chord Symbol Appearances dialog, select the component you want to duplicate in the components list, and click Add Component in the components list action bar.

  • To create a new component only for a single chord symbol instance: Open the Edit Chord Symbol Appearance dialog, select the component you want to duplicate in the components list, and click Add Component in the components list action bar.

Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog

The Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog contains the following sections:

  1. Name

    Contains an automatically generated name for the chord symbol component. You cannot change this name.

  2. Component selector

    Allows you to choose components to add to your chord symbol component. You can add different types of components by clicking the respective tab titles.

    • Glyph, for example, or . You can use different styles of glyphs by selecting different fonts and font styles/weights from the menus. You can search using SMuFL or Unicode ranges. Click Add Glyph to add the selected glyph to the chord symbol component.


      A full list of the different ranges of glyphs is available on the SMuFL website.

    • Text, including numbers and other text. You can use numbers and text from the available Preset text list or select any font available from the menu and enter your preferred text into the text box at the bottom. Click Add Text to add the selected or input text to the chord symbol component.

    • Graphic: Allows you to load a new graphics file or select an existing graphic from the Select existing list in SVG, PNG, or JPG format. You can see a preview of the graphic in the Preview box. Click Add Graphic to add the selected graphic to the chord symbol component.

    • Composite: Allows you to select a composite from the list. Click Add Composite to add the selected composite to the chord symbol component.

  3. Editor

    Allows you to arrange and edit the components that make up your chord symbol component. You can arrange and edit components using the controls at the bottom of the dialog.

  4. Editor action bar

    Contains selection and view options for the editor.

    • Zoom: Allows you to change the zoom level in the editor.

    • Select: Allows you to select the next/previous component.

    • Delete : Deletes the selected component.

  5. Controls

    Contains controls that allow you to edit individual components. Controls are divided into tabs according to the aspect of the selected component they affect. For chord symbols, the Component and Attachments tabs are available.

    The Component tab contains the following options:

    • Offset: Controls the position of the selected component. X moves it horizontally, Y moves it vertically.

    • Scale: Controls the size of the selected component. For graphics, X controls its width, Y controls its height.


      Although some components scale their height and width independently, others retain their aspect ratio, meaning only one value affects their overall size.

    • Z order: Allows you to Bring Forward or Send Backward the selected component in relation to other components when they overlap.

    • Color: Allows you to change the color of the selected component.

    The Attachments tab is only available if the chord symbol component comprises at least two separate components. It contains the following options:

    • Attachment from: Sets the attachment point on the component to the left of the selected component to which the selected component attaches. We recommend that you select a right edge attachment point for Attachment from.

    • Attachment to: Sets the attachment point on the selected component which attaches to the component to its left. We recommend that you select a left edge attachment point for Attachment to.

There are eight attachment points for glyphs and graphics, and eleven for text, due to the extra space required for letters that extend below the baseline. The example diagram helps you visualize how these points relate to components.

Diagram with glyph, graphics, and text attachment points labelled

The attachment points have the following names in the Edit Chord Symbol Component dialog:

  1. Top Left

  2. Top Center

  3. Top Right

  4. Middle Left

  5. Middle Right

  6. Baseline Left (text only)

  7. Baseline Center (text only)

  8. Baseline Right (text only)

  9. Bottom Left

  10. Bottom Center

  11. Bottom Right