Creating stage templates

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can create new stage templates that you can apply to other projects, including specifying stage positions for soloists and instrument families.


  • You have added the instruments that you want to include in your stage template to the current project.

  • You have loaded sounds for the instruments in the current project; for example, by applying a playback template.

  • The Mixer is shown, either in the lower zone or in the Mixer window.


  1. In the Mixer toolbar, click Live Stage to open the Live Stage dialog.
  2. Select the instruments that you want to move to new stage positions.
  3. Move the selected instruments in any of the following ways:
    • Click and drag them.

    • To move them proportionally outwards, click Expand .

    • To move them proportionally inwards, click Contract .

    • You can click and hold Expand and Contract to move instruments smoothly until you release the mouse pointer.

    • When no instruments are selected, Expand and Contract apply to all instruments on the stage.

  4. Click Save as New Stage Template to open the Edit Stage Template dialog.
  5. Enter a name for the stage template in the Name field.
  6. Optional: Edit the stage template using the available options.
    • To add an instrument to the stage template, click and drag it from the instrument list to the stage.

    • To delete instruments from the stage template, select them, then click Delete in the action bar.

    • To turn an instrument into a soloist, select it, then click Soloist in the action bar.

    • To include/exclude instruments from instrument numbering, select them, then click Un-numbered in the action bar.

    • To add instruments to a new group, select them, then click Create Group in the action bar.

    • To remove instruments from groups, select them, then click Remove From Group in the action bar.

  7. Click OK to confirm your settings and close the dialog.


Your new stage template is created. It is available to use in the current project and all projects that you create/open on your computer.