General placement conventions for arpeggio signs

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Arpeggio signs are positioned to the left of the notes, including any applicable accidentals, to which they apply, but are positioned between grace notes and normal notes. They should appear within the same bar as the notes to which they apply, and not on the other side of the barline.

Dorico Pro makes automatic adjustments to note spacing and staff spacing to accommodate arpeggio signs and ensure they are positioned correctly.

Arpeggio signs should cover the whole vertical range of all notes in the chord to which they apply, and protrude slightly at each end. However, they do not need to cover the stems of notes. Dorico Pro automatically creates the lengths of arpeggio signs to cover the notes in chords, and adjusts their lengths if the notes in chords change or are deleted.

If an arpeggiated chord spans two staves, such as in a piano part, its arpeggio sign can extend across both staves.

You can move arpeggio signs to different rhythmic positions in Write mode. They are positioned by default according to your settings in Engraving Options.

You can move arpeggio signs graphically in Engrave mode; however, this does not change the rhythmic positions to which they are attached.

You can change the default position of all arpeggio signs project-wide on the Arpeggio Signs page in Engraving Options.