Changing the font used for figured bass project-wide

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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By default, figured bass is drawn in a bold, Arabic font that is similar in appearance to the numbers in time signatures. You can change the font used for all figured bass figures project-wide; for example, if you prefer to show figured bass in a plain font.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-E to open Engraving Options.
  2. In the category list, click Figured Bass.
  3. In the Design section, choose one of the following options for Figured bass appearance:
    • Bold font

    • Plain font

  4. Optional: If you chose Plain font, choose Always use accidentals for Appearance of raised or lowered figures in the Accidentals section.

    The plain figured bass font can only show raised/lowered figures using accidentals as it does not contain glyphs for the alternative appearances of figured bass accidentals.

  5. Click Apply, then Close.


The font style used for figured bass project-wide is changed.

  • You can edit different aspects of the font styles used for figured bass in the Edit Font Styles dialog.

    • Bold figured bass figures use Figured Bass Font.

    • Plain figured bass figures use Figured Bass Text Font.

  • Tasto solo indications use the Figured Bass Tasto Solo paragraph style.

  • You can edit the appearance of individual bold figures in the Edit Music Symbol dialog.