The lower zone is shown.
Properties is selected in the lower zone toolbar.
If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing is selected in the Engrave toolbox.
- Select the figured bass suspensions whose hold/suspension lines you want to hide/show. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.
In the Properties panel, activate the following properties, individually or together, in the Figured Bass group:
Line between susp. and resolution
Continue line after resolution
- Activate/Deactivate the corresponding checkboxes.
Hold lines are shown between suspension and resolution figures and/or after resolutions in the selected figured bass suspensions when the corresponding checkboxes are activated, and hidden when the checkboxes are deactivated.
When the properties are deactivated, hold/suspension lines follow your project-wide settings for hiding/showing hold lines.
You can hide/show figured bass hold/suspension lines by default in different circumstances project-wide, including changing their default end positions, in