Adding titles

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can enter a title for the project and for each flow, independently of each other. For example, you might add the title “Sechs Lieder” for the project, then “Schwanenlied” for the first flow, “Wanderlied” for the second flow, and so on.

Dorico Pro displays titles on pages automatically using tokens on page templates.

In projects that only contain a single flow, you can enter information for either the project or flow. However, you must then ensure that you use the appropriate tokens.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-I to open the Project Info dialog.
  2. In the list on the left, select Project.
  3. On the right, enter the title for the whole project in the Title field.
  4. In the list on the left, select a flow for which you want to add a title.
  5. In the action bar at the bottom of the list, click Rename Flow .
  6. Enter the title into the flow name field.
  7. Press Return.
  8. At the bottom right of the dialog, click Apply.
    • This updates the flow title in the Title field to match the flow name. Flow names and flow titles can be different and are used in different places. Titles can be referenced using tokens, whereas flow names are used when exporting audio, for example.

    • You can also enter flow titles directly into their Title fields; however, this removes the link between flow titles and flow names.

  9. Optional: Repeat steps 4 to 8 for other flows in the project.

    You can copy project information that you have already entered by selecting the source from the Copy info from menu at the bottom of the dialog, then clicking Copy.

  10. Click Close.


Titles for the project and each flow are updated. They automatically appear on pages that use the corresponding tokens, such as the first page and in flow headings.

By default, project titles on first pages use the Title paragraph style and flow headings use the Flow Title paragraph style for text formatting and alignment.