Combinations of holds and pauses

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Some types of holds and pauses cannot appear at the same rhythmic position as other holds and pauses.

At a single rhythmic position, Dorico Pro can show the following:

  • A single type of fermata or caesura on all staves. For example, you cannot have a short fermata on one staff and a long fermata at the same rhythmic position on another staff. Changing the type of fermata or caesura on one staff automatically changes the type on all staves at that rhythmic position, as a pause at one particular rhythmic position can only be of one duration.

  • A single type of breath mark or a Curlew mark on each staff independently. For example, each staff can show a different type of breath mark, but you cannot show two different breath marks at the same rhythmic position on the same staff.

You can combine holds and pauses in the following ways:

  • Fermatas cannot exist at the same rhythmic position as any other hold or pause. Breath/Curlew marks override fermatas, causing them not to appear on the corresponding staves. Caesuras and fermatas permanently replace each other.

  • Caesuras can exist at the same rhythmic position as breath/Curlew marks, but not fermatas.

  • Breath marks cannot exist at the same rhythmic position as Curlew marks. They permanently replace each other.


To show a fermata and breath mark on the same note, ensure that the breath mark exists at a different rhythmic position, as indicated by its attachment line. For example, move it rhythmically from an adjacent note, or input it when the caret is at the required position.