You can change the lyric line number of whole lyric lines after they have been input. You can also change whole lyric lines to chorus lines and lyric line translations.
For example, you can change the existing Line 1 into a lyric translation of Line 4, or change Line 2 into a chorus line.
To identify which line you are working on, select a syllable in the line of lyrics and check the number in the Line number value field in the Lyrics group of the Properties panel. Alternatively, you can activate verse numbers on the Lyrics page in Engraving Options.
The line number or type of the whole lyric line of the selected lyric is changed.
The position of the selected lyric line relative to other lyric lines at the same position might be changed. For example, if there were two lyric lines and you changed Line 1 to Line 3, it now appears below Line 2.
If a lyric line with the same number already exists at the same position on the same side of the staff, the two lines switch. For example, if there is already a Line 1 at the rhythmic position where you want to change Line 2 to Line 1, then the existing Line 1 becomes Line 2 to accommodate your most recent preference. The same applies to chorus lines and lyric line translations.