Changing the type of individual lyrics

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change the type of individual lyrics after they have been input. For example, you can change lyrics into chorus lyrics or translation lyrics.


  • The lower zone is shown.

  • Properties is selected in the lower zone toolbar.

  • If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing Graphic Editing button is selected in the Engrave toolbox.


  1. Select the individual lyrics whose type you want to change. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.
  2. In the Properties panel, activate/deactivate the following properties, individually or together, in the Lyrics group:
    • Chorus

    • Is translation


  • Activating Chorus changes the selected individual lyrics to chorus lyrics.

  • Activating Is translation changes the selected lyrics to translation lyrics of the same lyric line number. For example, selecting lyrics in Line 2 and activating Is translation turns them into translation lyrics for Line 2.

  • Activating both properties changes the selected lyrics to translation lyrics of the chorus.

  • Deactivating both properties changes the selected lyrics to normal lyrics. Their line number is indicated by the number in Line number in the Lyrics group of the Properties panel.


If other chorus lines exist at the same position on the side of the staff where you want to change your current selection to chorus lines, the two lines collide. To avoid this, change the type of the whole lyric line, which automatically avoids collisions.