Changing the note grouping for 5/4 time signatures

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change how notes are grouped in 5/4 time signatures by default in each flow independently; for example, to split beams at every quarter note.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N to open Notation Options.
  2. In the Flows list, select the flows in which you want to change the note grouping for 5/4 time signatures.

    By default, only the current flow is selected when you open the dialog. You can select other flows by clicking Select All in the action bar, clicking and dragging across multiple flows, Shift-clicking adjacent flows, and Ctrl/Cmd-clicking individual flows.

  3. In the category list, click Note Grouping.
  4. In the Time Signatures With Irregular Meter section, choose one of the following options for Note grouping approach for 5/4:
    • Irregular compound (3+2)

    • Irregular simple (1+1+1+1+1)

  5. Optional: If you chose Irregular simple (1+1+1+1+1) and want to split beams at every quarter note, you might also need to change your settings in Notation Options > Beam Grouping > Simple Time Signatures Without a Half-Bar.
  6. Click Apply, then Close.


5/4 passage using Irregular compound (3+2)
5/4 passage using Irregular simple (1+1+1+1+1) and beams split at beat boundaries