You can change the notehead design of individual noteheads, including trill auxiliary notes. For example, cross noteheads might be used to indicate where players should produce pitchless sounds, such as air sounds on wind instruments.
These steps do not apply to notes in slash voices.
To represent different playing techniques for notes belonging to unpitched percussion instruments, you can instead change their playing technique.
To represent harmonics or rhythm slashes, you can instead turn notes into harmonics or change them to a slash voice. You can also input slash regions.
If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing
is selected in the Engrave toolbox.
The notehead design of the selected notes is changed.
You can also change the default notehead design for all noteheads project-wide.
You can assign a key command for each factory default notehead design and custom notehead designs that you have saved as default on the Key Commands page in Preferences.