In Engrave mode, each round notehead bracket has multiple handles that you can move independently to adjust their graphical position, length, and shape.
Round notehead brackets that use the drawn curve have three square handles that you can move independently. When you move either of the top/bottom handles, the middle handle also moves to retain its position relative to the start/end handles.
Round brackets on single noteheads that use the font glyph do not show handles in Engrave mode, meaning you cannot lengthen/shorten them or change their shape/width.
Square notehead brackets have two handles, one at the top and one at the bottom.
Top and bottom handles move the corresponding end of the notehead bracket, controlling its graphical length.
Middle handles control the shape of round notehead brackets. Moving them vertically adjusts their curve by changing the angle at which notehead bracket endpoints approach noteheads, while moving them horizontally changes the width of round notehead brackets.
You can move these handles to change the graphical length of notehead brackets and the shape of round notehead brackets. If necessary, other nearby items, such as ties and slurs, automatically move to avoid collisions.
The following properties in the Bracketed Noteheads group of the Properties panel are activated automatically when you move the corresponding notehead bracket or handle:
L bracket body moves left notehead brackets. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.
R bracket body moves right notehead brackets. X moves them horizontally, Y moves them vertically.
L bracket extents controls the height of left notehead brackets. T moves their top handles, B moves their bottom handles.
R bracket extents controls the height of right notehead brackets. T moves their top handles, B moves their bottom handles.
You can change the default positions of all notehead brackets, including the gaps between them and other items, and how far notehead brackets extend beyond notes on the Bracketed Noteheads page in Engraving Options.