Changing the style of gradual tempo changes

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change the style of individual gradual tempo changes, independently of your project-wide setting. Gradual tempo changes can appear as text only with no continuation line, text with a continuation line, or with the word spread across their duration.


  • The lower zone is shown.

  • Properties is selected in the lower zone toolbar.

  • If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing Graphic Editing button is selected in the Engrave toolbox.


  1. Select the gradual tempo changes whose style you want to change. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.
  2. In the Properties panel, activate Gradual style in the Tempo group.
  3. Select one of the following options from the menu:
    • rit.

    • rit...

    • rit - ar - dan - do


The style of the selected gradual tempo changes is changed.

  • Only gradual tempo changes with valid full text appear separated into syllables; for example, ritenuto or accelerando. Gradual tempo changes automatically have valid full text when you input them using the panel or select a suggested entry from the menu when using the popover. You can also change the text of existing gradual tempo changes, including adding hyphens manually to control how they are separated into syllables.

  • You can change the default style of all gradual tempo changes project-wide on the Tempo page in Engraving Options.


rit.: Text only
rit...: Text with a continuation line
rit - ar - dan - do: Syllables in the text spread across the duration of the gradual tempo change