Hiding/Showing trill interval accidentals

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can hide/show accidentals for individual trill intervals; for example, if you want to show the accidental for the first note of a trill but hide the accidentals for subsequent notes. You can do this for the current layout and frame chain only, or for all layouts and frame chains.

  • In order to show trill interval accidentals, trills must have intervals that require accidentals.

  • These steps only hide the accidentals shown in trill intervals, they do not hide auxiliary notes or Hollywood-style markings.


  • The lower zone is shown.

  • Properties is selected in the lower zone toolbar.

  • If you are in Engrave mode, Graphic Editing Graphic Editing button is selected in the Engrave toolbox.

  • You have chosen the appropriate property scope for local properties.


  1. Select the trill intervals, or trill interval signposts whose accidentals you want to hide/show. You can do this in Write mode and Engrave mode.

    For trills that span multiple notes and have multiple trill interval accidentals, you must select each accidental or signpost individually. If you select the whole trill, only the first trill interval accidental is changed.

  2. In the Properties panel, activate Accidental in the Trills group.
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • Hide

    • Show


Accidentals in the selected trill intervals are hidden when you choose Hide, and shown when you choose Show. If the property scope was set to Locally, this change only takes effect in the current layout and frame chain.

Signposts are shown at the position of each hidden trill interval accidental. However, trill interval signposts are hidden by default.


You can choose to repeat or hide all Hollywood-style trill intervals on successive notes in Engraving Options > Ornaments > Trill Intervals.