When you create cross-staff beams by crossing notes to staves that already contain notes, the stem direction of the existing notes may change. This is due to how multiple voices at the same rhythmic position are handled in Dorico Pro.
For example, if a piano part contains notes in up-stem voices on both staves, the stem direction of notes in both voices can change if notes from the upper staff are crossed to the lower staff. In this situation, the notes from the two staves are not combined, but are instead treated as two up-stem voices in a multiple-voice context.
You can change the stem direction of the notes originally in the lower staff in any of the following ways:
Select the notes originally in the lower staff and change their voice to another voice, such as a down-stem voice.
Select the notes originally in the lower staff and change their stem direction.
Alternatively, you can move the notes in the upper staff permanently to the lower staff.