Moving bars to other systems

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can move bars to the next or previous system; for example, if you want specific bars to appear in the same system.


Graphic Editing Graphic Editing button is selected in the Engrave toolbox.


  1. In Engrave mode, select an item in the bar you want to move to another system.

    For example, select an item in the earliest bar you want to move to the next system, or select an item in the last bar you want to move to the previous system.

  2. Move bars to another system in one of the following ways:
    • To move all bars between the start of the current system and the selection to the previous system, press , or click Move to Previous System in the Move Bars Between Systems section of the Formatting panel.

    • To move all bars between the selection and the end of their current system to the next system, press . or click Move to Next System in the Move Bars Between Systems section of the Formatting panel.


The selected bars are moved to the previous or next system. System breaks are inserted at the start and end of each new system.

  • System breaks inserted at the start of systems have Wait for next system break activated in the Format group of the Properties panel by default. Because this property tells Dorico Pro to include all music in the system until the next system break or the end of the flow, if you later delete subsequent system breaks, this can create very full, tightly spaced systems.

  • You can change how many systems are locked as a consequence of moving bars to other systems in Preferences > Note Input and Editing > Note Input > Breaks.