Player labels

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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Player labels identify the players to which notes on condensed staves belong. They are usually used to indicate a change in how music is condensed, such as going from having different parts to playing in unison or from all players having separate stems to some players sharing a stem.

Player labels are placed above the staff for up-stem voices and below the staff for down-stem voices. They have a small horizontal offset to the left of their rhythmic position by default, which reduces pressure on vertical spacing.

Player labels (circled) indicating which music belongs to the first (1) and second (2) players on each staff

In Dorico Pro, player labels are automatically shown at the start of phrases whose condensing is different to the previous phrase and at the start of new systems.

  • For notes that only belong to a single player, the player label shows instrument numbers on condensed staves containing instruments with identical instrument names, and abbreviated instrument names on condensed staves containing instruments with different instrument names.

  • For notes that belong to all single players on the staff, the player label shows the “to” indication followed by the number of players on the staff, such as a 3.

  • For notes that belong to all section players on the staff, the player labels shows a unison indication, such as unis..

  • For notes that belong to multiple players, but not all players on the staff, the player label shows instrument numbers or abbreviated instrument names followed by the “to” indication, such as 1.2 a 2 or Fl. Ob. a2.

  • You can change the default appearance and position of player labels, including their offset, separator, and “to” indication, on the Condensing page in Engraving Options.

    You can also change the default unison indication for both divisi change and player labels.

  • Player labels use the Player Labels paragraph style, which you can edit in the Paragraph Styles dialog.