Custom Staff Size dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Custom Staff Size dialog allows you to change the size of individual staves by a custom scale factor.

  • You can open the Custom Staff Size dialog by selecting an item on a staff and choosing Edit > Notations > Staff Size > Custom Staff Size.

Custom Staff Size dialog

The Custom Staff Size dialog contains the following options:

Default staff size

Displays the default size of staves in the current layout. This size is set on the Page Setup page in Layout Options.

The default staff size is expressed as both a point size and in your preferred unit of measurement.

Rastral size

Allows you to select the rastral size on which you want to base your custom staff size.

Scale factor

Sets the custom staff size, expressed as a percentage of the selected rastral size.

New staff size

Displays the new custom staff size for the selected staff as a result of the changes you have made in the dialog.

The new staff size is expressed as both a point size and in your preferred unit of measurement.