Applying page template sets to layouts

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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You can change the page template set used by each layout in your project; for example, if you want a custom score layout to use the Default Part page template set because that set shows the layout name on the first page.

By default, full score and custom score layouts use the Default Full Score page template set and part layouts use the Default Part page template set.


If you want to use a page template set not currently in the project, you have created or imported that page template set.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-L to open Layout Options.
  2. In the Layouts list, select the layouts whose page template set you want to change.

    By default, the layout currently open in the music area is selected when you open the dialog. You can select other layouts by using the selection options in the action bar, clicking and dragging across multiple layouts, Shift-clicking adjacent layouts, and Ctrl/Cmd-clicking individual layouts.

  3. In the category list, click Page Setup.
  4. In the Page Template section, select the page template set you want from the Page template set menu.
  5. Click Apply, then Close.


The selected page template set is applied to the selected layouts.


You can also apply page template sets in Engrave mode by selecting them from the Current set menu in the Page Templates section of the Pages panel. This automatically updates the layout option but only for the layout open in the music area.

After Completing This Task

You can assign page templates to individual pages in layouts that use their page template set.