Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog allows you to rename and delete custom endpoint configurations, and view the plug-ins and players they contain.

  • You can open the Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog by clicking Endpoint Configurations in the Edit Playback Template dialog.

Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog

The Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog comprises the following:

  1. Endpoint configurations list

    Contains all the endpoint configurations on your computer.

    Delete Endpoint Configuration in the action bar at the bottom of the list allows you to delete the selected endpoint configuration from your computer.

  2. Name

    Allows you to set the name of the selected endpoint configuration that appears in the program; for example, in the Edit Playback Template dialog.

  3. Plug-ins and players list

    Contains all the plug-ins and players contained within the selected endpoint configuration. If the endpoint configuration contains multiple instances of the same plug-in, each plug-in instance is listed separately.