Moving the playhead

Dorico Pro Help

Dorico Pro
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The playhead automatically moves along with the music during playback, but you can also move the playhead manually in any mode.

You can move the playhead both when it is stopped and during playback, but not all methods of moving the playhead work during playback.

By default, the playhead is only shown during playback, but you can choose to show the playhead at all times.


Move the playhead in any of the following ways:
  • To move the playhead forwards, press Num + (plus on a numeric keypad) or click Fast Forward in the Transport window.

  • To move the playhead backwards, press Num - (minus on a numeric keypad) or click Rewind in the Transport window.

  • To move the playhead back to the start of the flow, press Num . (period on a numeric keypad) or click Rewind to Beginning of Flow in the Transport window or mini transport.

  • To move the playhead to the start of the earliest selected item, press Alt/Opt-P.

  • To move the playhead forwards by frames, press Ctrl/Cmd-Num + or Ctrl/Cmd-F9.

  • To move the playhead backwards by frames, press Ctrl/Cmd-Num - or Ctrl/Cmd-F7.

  • In Play mode or the Key Editor, click the ruler at any position.


    You cannot click the ruler to move the playhead during playback.