Booklets are documents printed on both sides of the paper and folded to resemble the pages in a book. When printed as a booklet, pages are reordered so that you can fold the printed pages and read the content in the same order as they were in the project.
Printing layouts as a booklet can be much quicker than printing pages single-sided or double-sided. For example, if your full score is twenty pages long and you print it on both sides automatically, you must then bind one edge of the printed pages in order to keep them together. However, if you print the full score as a booklet, you can simply fold the printed pages in the middle.
Booklet printing settings reorder pages so that they appear in the correct order on the printed page. For example, a layout containing four pages printed as a booklet is laid out as follows:
First side: page four on the left, page one on the right
Reverse side: page two on the left, page three on the right
If the layout you are printing as a booklet contains an odd number of pages, Dorico Pro automatically places any empty last pages at the end of the booklet. This follows the convention of showing odd-numbered pages on the right. For example, if you print a layout containing six pages as a booklet, a total of eight pages are printed with the last two pages in the booklet left blank. If you want the empty pages to be positioned differently, you can add extra pages to the layout; for example, a title page.
You can only print booklets using the complete range of pages. You cannot specify page or flow ranges.
If the order of inward pages is incorrect when you are printing booklets using manual duplexing, you can activate Reverse order of outward pages in the Duplex Printing section of the Print Options panel, which instructs Dorico Pro to output the first set of pages in the opposite order.